It is a question often asked by a patient as I am caring for their feet. Many seem curious why someone would choose to take care of feet for a career. I certainly understand this curiosity. My decision was not made so I would be called, “Dr. Lonnie Resnick”. Nor was it because I desired another four years of school after college. It started with my natural interest in science and the human body. Becoming a biology major was the only choice for me. Then the decision became whether to go into research, teach or practice some form of medicine. I chose the latter because the one on one human interaction and the ability to provide comfort and healing was appealing. So why podiatry? As president of the pre-med club in college, I invited doctors of different specialties to come speak. I was surprised to discover that many of these doctors did not seem enthusiastic about the work they did. It was the podiatrist who showed passion for his field. I liked the idea of treating patients of all ages. I loved the concept of a patient coming into my office in pain or discomfort and leaving with a big smile because their condition was so improved in one visit. I learned how podiatrists can improve the performance of athletes and the leading role they play in protecting diabetics from complications, including loss of limb. It appeared to be a rewarding field in so many ways. After 20 years in my own practice and 3 years of working in another practice prior, I can honestly say that I made a wonderful decision. I can not think of any other career I would rather be in. I am truly grateful.